Modelpalooza 2023 Judges Scores
Below you can access the scores for Modelpalooza 2023. The scores are 1-10, 10 being best. If there is no score in one of the criteria of your entry, this did not negatively impact your score. The scoring formula adjusts and weighs only the criteria a score is available for.
Not all your entries are judged at Modelpalooza, due to time and man power constraints, we judge your best entry per category. For example, if you enter 3 aircraft models, the judges will decide which is your best of the 3 and judge that model.
Modelpalooza uses the Gold - Silver - Bronze style of judging. To learn how we score and judge models go here.
To find your scores follow these steps:
1. Click the button to see the contestant list. Find your name and note your contestant ID and Entry ID numbers.
Not all your entries are judged at Modelpalooza, due to time and man power constraints, we judge your best entry per category. For example, if you enter 3 aircraft models, the judges will decide which is your best of the 3 and judge that model.
Modelpalooza uses the Gold - Silver - Bronze style of judging. To learn how we score and judge models go here.
To find your scores follow these steps:
1. Click the button to see the contestant list. Find your name and note your contestant ID and Entry ID numbers.
2. Click the buttons below to see that categories scores. Find your entry ID to see your individual scores.